This is all you need:
Andes Baking Chips
Gluten Free Shortbread Cookies ( I used the Schar brand I found at my local grocery store Dierbergs)
Chocolate Melter
Baking Sheets
Wax Paper
Place Baking Pans in the refrigerator for a few minutes till they are chilled, this will help in the chocolate setting process. Heat the chocolate melter to melt, pour in the Andes baking chips and stir until all of the chocolate is completely melted. Once the chocolate is melted, change the chocolate melter to warm. Pull one of the baking sheets from the fridge place wax paper (or parchment paper) over it. Pick up the Shortbread cookies with thongs, fork, or even your fingers and dip the cookies into the chocolate completely covering the entire cracker, then place onto baking sheet. Immediately place cookies into the fridge, so they can set. They usually take less than a minute to set! Continue process until you run out of chocolate and/or cookies.
I recommend a nice Petit Syrah with the cookies . MMMMMM (or a nice glass of milk for the little ones.
Here are the ingredients I used:
Andes Baking Chips - 3/5 Lb Andes Baking Mints: GR
Lori, I know SOO much about gluten free!! My dad sister and Niece all have celiac! Let me know if you want any tips, recipes, info etc.